Source code for causallib.contrib.adversarial_balancing.adversarial_balancing

# (C) Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Created on Oct 30, 2019

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight

from .classifier_selection import select_classifier
from ...estimation.base_weight import WeightEstimator, PropensityEstimator
from ...estimation.base_estimator import PopulationOutcomeEstimator

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy

[docs]class AdversarialBalancing(WeightEstimator, PopulationOutcomeEstimator): def __init__(self, learner, iterations=20, lr=0.5, decay=1, loss_type='01', use_stabilized=True, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Adversarial Balancing finds sample weights such that the weighted population under any treatment A looks similar (distribution-wise) to the true population. Borrowing from GANs, the main idea is that, for each treatment A, the algorithm find weights such that a specified classifier cannot distinguish between the entire population and the weighted population under treatment `a`. At each step we update the weights using the gradient of the exponential loss function, and re-train the classifier. For a given classifier family, an optimal solution are weights that maximize the minimal error of classifiers in this family. For more details about the algorithm see: *Adversarial Balancing for Causal Inference* by Ozery-Flato and Thodoroff et al. Args: learner: An initialized classifier object implementing fit and predict (scikit-learn compatible) Will be used to discriminate between the population under treatment a and the entire global population. A selection for each treatment value can be performed to choose the best classifier for that treatment group. It can be done by providing a scikit-learn initialized SearchCV model (either GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV), or by providing a list of classifiers. If providing a list of classifiers, a selection will be done for each treatment value using cross-validation that will use the best-performing classifier among the list. see select_classifier module. iterations (int): The number of iterations to adjust the weights of each sample lr (float): Learning rate used to update the weights decay (float): Parameter to decay the learning rate through the iterations loss_type (str): Use '01' for zero-one loss, otherwise cross-entropy is used (and provided `learner` should also implement `predict_proba` methods). use_stabilized (bool): Whether to re-weigh the learned weights with the prevalence of the treatment. Note: Adversarial balancing already has inherent component weighting treatment prevalence. Setting to False will "de-stabilize" the weights after they are calculated. verbose (bool): Whether to print out statistics to console during training. Attributes: iterative_models_: np.ndarray of size(n_treatment_values, iterations) holding all the models created during training process. iterative_normalizing_consts_: np.ndarray of size(n_treatment_values, iterations) holding all the normalizing constants calculated during training process. discriminator_loss_: np.ndarray of size(n_treatment_values, iterations) holding the loss of the learner throughout the training process. treatments_frequency_: if use_stabilized=True, the proportions of the treatment values. """ super().__init__(learner, use_stabilized, *args, **kwargs) # Crashes when provided a list of classifiers self.iterations = iterations self.loss_type = loss_type = lr self.decay = decay self.verbose = verbose self.use_stabilized = use_stabilized
[docs] def fit(self, X, a, y=None, w_init=None, **select_kwargs): """ Trains an Adversarial Balancing model. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). y: IGNORED. w_init (pd.Series): Initial sample weights. If not provided, assumes uniform. select_kwargs: keywords argument to past into select_classifier. relevant only if model was initialized with list of classifiers in `learner`. Returns: AdversarialBalancing """ X = _to_ndarray(X) a = _to_ndarray(a) self._run(X, a, w_init=w_init, is_train=True, **select_kwargs) return self
[docs] def compute_weights(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, use_stabilized=None, **kwargs): if treatment_values is not None: # Create synthetic treatment assignment of treatment_values instead of actual assignment `a` a = pd.Series(data=treatment_values, index=X.index) idx = X.index X, a = _to_ndarray(X), _to_ndarray(a) w = self._run(X, a, w_init=None, use_stabilized=use_stabilized, is_train=False) w = pd.Series(w, index=idx) return w
[docs] def estimate_population_outcome(self, X, a, y, w=None, treatment_values=None): if w is None: w = self.compute_weights(X, a) res = self._compute_stratified_weighted_aggregate(y, sample_weight=w, stratify_by=a, treatment_values=treatment_values) return res
def _run(self, X, A, w_init=None, is_train=True, use_stabilized=None, **select_kwargs): if use_stabilized is None: use_stabilized = self.use_stabilized if w_init is None: w_init = np.ones((X.shape[0])) w = w_init.copy() # Weights to be returned unique_treatments = np.sort(np.unique(A).astype(int)) n_treatments = unique_treatments.shape[0] if is_train: if not np.all(unique_treatments == np.arange(n_treatments)): raise AssertionError("Treatment values in `a` must be indexed 0, 1, 2, ...") self.iterative_models_ = np.empty((n_treatments, self.iterations), dtype=object) self.iterative_normalizing_consts_ = np.full((n_treatments, self.iterations), np.NaN) self.discriminator_loss_ = np.zeros((n_treatments, self.iterations)) self.treatments_frequency_ = _compute_treatments_frequency(A) for a in unique_treatments: # Create an artificial classification problem where the samples with label 1 are the original entire # population ("source population"), # and the samples with label -1 are the population under treatment a ("target population"). # Labels 1 and -1 (rather than 0) are used because of the later exponential loss function X_augm = np.row_stack((X, X[A == a])) # create the augmented dataset y = np.ones((X_augm.shape[0])) y[X.shape[0]:] *= -1 # subpopulation of current treatment (a) has y== -1 target_pop_mask = y == -1 # To simplify the task (learning weights) we ensure both target and source populations have the same # importance by reweighting classes by their frequency y_0_1 = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y) # Encode -1 ==> 0 and 1 ==>1 class_weight = compute_class_weight(class_weight='balanced', classes=np.unique(y), y=y)[y_0_1] sample_weight = np.ones((X_augm.shape[0])) sample_weight[target_pop_mask] = w[A == a] # Weights from initialization if is_train: selected_model = select_classifier(self.learner, X_augm, y, loss_type=self.loss_type, **select_kwargs) for i in range(self.iterations): lr = * (1.0 / (1 + (self.decay * i))) # decay the learning rate # fit model if is_train: train_weight = sample_weight * class_weight, y, sample_weight=train_weight) self.iterative_models_[a, i] = copy.deepcopy(selected_model) else: selected_model = self.iterative_models_[a, i] # get predictions and their errors pred, pred_loss = self.__get_predictions(selected_model, X_augm, y) if is_train: total_error = np.sum(train_weight * pred_loss) / np.sum(train_weight) # when using 0-1 loss: # note that often np.sum(train_weight * pred_loss) != np.sum(train_weight[pred_loss.astype(bool)]) # and the difference is slight, probably due to numerical issues self.discriminator_loss_[a, i] = total_error if self.verbose: print("Iteration {}/{} - loss: {}".format(i, self.iterations, total_error)) # Update the weights to minimize the loss of the generator and "fool" the classifier if self.loss_type == '01': sample_weight[target_pop_mask] *= np.exp(-lr * y[target_pop_mask] * pred[target_pop_mask]) else: sample_weight[target_pop_mask] *= np.exp(lr * pred_loss[target_pop_mask]) if is_train: tx_group_size = np.sum(target_pop_mask) self.iterative_normalizing_consts_[a, i] = tx_group_size / np.sum(sample_weight[target_pop_mask]) # Normalize the weights with mean 1 (so that weights.sum() == original group size) sample_weight[target_pop_mask] *= self.iterative_normalizing_consts_[a, i] w[A == a] = sample_weight[target_pop_mask] if not use_stabilized: # Undo scaling by group size w[A == a] *= 1 / self.treatments_frequency_[a] return w def __get_predictions(self, selected_model, X_augm, y): if self.loss_type == '01': pred = selected_model.predict(X_augm).reshape((-1)) pred_loss = (pred != y).astype(float) else: pred = selected_model.predict_proba(X_augm)[:, 1] pred_loss = np.log(pred[y == -1]) pred_loss[y == 1] = np.log(1.0 - pred[y == 1]) return pred, pred_loss
[docs] def compute_weight_matrix(self, X, a, use_stabilized=None, **kwargs): res = {} for tx_val in np.sort(np.unique(a)): cur_assignment = pd.Series(data=tx_val, index=X.index) res[tx_val] = self.compute_weights(X, cur_assignment, use_stabilized=use_stabilized) res = pd.DataFrame(res) return res
# def compute_propensity(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, **kwargs): # """Computes probability for being treated # (or probability of any treatment value provided in `treatment_values`). # # Note that Adversarial Balance does not optimize for probabilities directly and # this probabilities are calculated post-hoc from the weights. # # Args: # X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). # a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). # treatment_values (Any | None): A desired value/s to extract propensity to (i.e. probabilities to what # treatment value should be calculated). # If not specified, then the maximal treatment value is chosen. This is since # the usual case is of treatment (A=1) control (A=0) setting. # # Returns: # pd.Series: A vector size (num_subjects,) containing the propensity of each individual to be treatment # (or get the treatment value provided in `treatment_values`). # """ # treatment_values = a.max() if treatment_values is None else treatment_values # res = self.compute_propensity_matrix(X, a, use_stabilized=False) # res = res[treatment_values] # return res # # def compute_propensity_matrix(self, X, a=None, **kwargs): # """Computes probability for being assigned to any treatment groups. # # Note that Adversarial Balance does not optimize for probabilities directly and # this probabilities are calculated post-hoc from the weights. # Therefore, there's no guarantee all probabilities of a given sample will sum to 1. # # Args: # X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). # a (pd.Series | None): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,), # used to obtain the unique treatment values. # If not provided, uses all the treatment values seen during training. # # Returns: # pd.DataFrame: A matrix of size (num_subjects, num_treatments) with probability for every individual and e # very treatment. # """ # if a is None: # a = list(self.treatments_frequency_.keys()) # unique treatment values # res = self.compute_weight_matrix(X, a, use_stabilized=False) # res = 1 / res # type: pd.DataFrame # return res def _compute_treatments_frequency(A): unique_treatments, unique_treatment_counts = np.unique(A, return_counts=True) unique_treatments_freq = unique_treatment_counts / (1.0*np.sum(unique_treatment_counts)) treatments_frequency = dict(zip(unique_treatments, unique_treatments_freq)) return treatments_frequency def _to_ndarray(x): if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.array(x) else: return x