Package causallib

A package for estimating causal effect and counterfactual outcomes from observational data.

casuallib provide various causal inference methods with a distinct paradigm:

  • Every causal model has some machine learning model at its core. This allows to mix & match causal models with powerful machine learning tools, simply by plugging them into the causal model.

  • Inspired by the scikit-learn design, once trained, causal models can be applied onto out-of-bag samples.

causallib also provide performance evaluation scheme of the causal model by evaluating the machine learning core model in a causal inference context.

Accompanying datasets are also available, both real and simulated ones.
The various modules and folders provide the specific usage for each part.


The package is comprised of several modules, each providing a different functionality that is related to the causal inference models.


This module includes the estimator classes, where multiple popular estimators are implemented. Specifically, This includes

  • Inverse probability weighting (IPW).

  • Standardization.

  • 3 versions of doubly-robust methods.

Each of these methods receives one or more machine learning models that can be trained (fit), and then used to estimate (predict) the relevant outcome of interest.


This module provides the classes to evaluate the performance of methods defined in the estimation module. Evaluations are tailored to the type of method that is used. For example, weight estimators such as IPW can be evaluated for how well they remove bias from the data, while outcome models can be evaluated for their precision.


This module provides several enhancements to the filters and transformers provided by scikit-learn. These can be used within a pipeline framework together with the models.


Several datasets are provided within the package in the datasets module:

Additional folders

Several additional folders exist under the package and hold several internal utilities. They should only be used as part of development. This folders include analysis, simulation, utils, and tests.


The examples folder contains several notebooks exemplifying the use of the package.


Module contents