causallib.evaluation.predictor module

Predictor classes.

Predictors generate sets of predictions for a single fold with no cross-validation or train-test logic.

class causallib.evaluation.predictor.BasePredictor(estimator)[source]

Bases: object

Generate predictions from estimator for evaluation (base class).

abstract fit(X, a, y)[source]

Fit an estimator.

static from_estimator(estimator: Union[causallib.estimation.base_estimator.IndividualOutcomeEstimator, causallib.estimation.base_weight.PropensityEstimator, causallib.estimation.base_weight.WeightEstimator])[source]

Select subclass based on estimator.


estimator (Union[IndividualOutcomeEstimator, PropensityEstimator, WeightEstimator]) – Estimator to generate evaluation predictions from.


the correct predictor for

the supplied estimator

Return type

Union[PropensityPredictor, WeightPredictor, OutcomePredictor]

abstract predict(X, a)[source]

Predict (weights, outcomes, etc. depending on the model). The output can be as flexible as desired, but score_estimation should know to handle it.

class causallib.evaluation.predictor.OutcomePredictor(estimator)[source]

Bases: causallib.evaluation.predictor.BasePredictor

Generate evaluation predictions for IndividualOutcomeEstimator models.


estimator (IndividualOutcomeEstimator) –

fit(X, a, y)[source]

Fit estimator.

predict(X, a)[source]

Predict on data.

class causallib.evaluation.predictor.PropensityPredictor(estimator)[source]

Bases: causallib.evaluation.predictor.WeightPredictor

Generate evaluation predictions for PropensityEstimator models.


estimator (PropensityEstimator) –

predict(X, a)[source]

Predict on data.

  • X (pd.DataFrame) – Covariates.

  • a (pd.Series) – Target variable - treatment assignment



class causallib.evaluation.predictor.WeightPredictor(estimator)[source]

Bases: causallib.evaluation.predictor.BasePredictor

Generate evaluation predictions for WeightEstimator models.


estimator (WeightEstimator) –

fit(X, a, y=None)[source]

Fit estimator. y is ignored.

predict(X, a)[source]

Predict on data.

  • X (pd.DataFrame) – Covariates.

  • a (pd.Series) – Target variable - treatment assignment



causallib.evaluation.predictor.predict_cv(estimator, X, a, y, cv, refit=True, phases=('train', 'valid'))[source]

Obtain predictions on the provided data in cross-validation

  • X (pd.DataFrame) – Covariates.

  • a (pd.Series) – Treatment assignment.

  • y (pd.Series) – Outcome.

  • cv (list[tuples]) – list the number of folds containing tuples of indices (train_idx, validation_idx)

  • refit (bool) – Whether to refit the model on each fold.

  • phases (list[str]) – {[“train”, “valid”], [“train”], [“valid”]}. Phases names to evaluate on - train (“train”), validation (“valid”) or both. ‘train’ corresponds to cv[i][0] and ‘valid’ to cv[i][1]


A two-tuple containing:

  • predictions: dictionary with keys being the phases provided and values are

    list the size of the number of folds in cv and containing the output of the estimator on that corresponding fold. For example, predictions[“valid”][3] contains the prediction of the estimator on untrained data of the third fold (i.e. validation set of the third fold)

  • models: list the size of the number of folds in cv containing the fitted estimator

    on the training data of that fold.

Return type

(dict[str, list], list)