Module causallib.estimation

This module allows estimating counterfactual outcomes and effect of treatment using a variety of common causal inference methods, as detailed below. Each of these methods can use an underlying machine learning model of choice. These models must have an interface similar to the one defined by scikit-learn. Namely, they must have fit() and predict() functions implemented, and predict_proba() implemented for models that predict categorical outcomes.

Additional methods will be added incrementally.

Available Methods

The methods that are currently available are:

  1. Inverse probability weighting (with minimal value cutoff): causallib.estimation.IPW

  2. Standardization

    1. As a single model depending on treatment: causallib.estimation.Standardization

    2. Stratified by treatment value (similar to pooled regression): causallib.estimation.StratifiedStandardization

  3. Doubly robust methods, as explained here

    1. Using the weighting as an additional feature: causallib.estimation.DoublyRobustIpFeature

    2. Using the weighting for training the standardization model: causallib.estimation.DoublyRobustJoffe

    3. Using the original formula for doubly robust estimation: causallib.estimation.DoublyRobustVanilla

Example: Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW)

An IPW model can be run, for example, using

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from causallib.estimation import IPW
from causallib.datasets.data_loader import fetch_smoking_weight

model = LogisticRegression()
ipw = IPW(learner=model)
data = fetch_smoking_weight(), data.a)
ipw.estimate_population_outcome(data.X, data.a, data.y)

Note that model can be replaced by any machine learning model as explained above.


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