Module causallib.datasets

This module contains an example dataset, and a simulator to create a dataset.


Currently one dataset is included. This is the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NNHEFS) dataset. The dataset was adapted from the data available at

It can be loaded using

from causallib.datasets.data_loader import load_nhefs
data = load_nhefs()
covariates = data.X,
treatment_assignment = data.a,
observed_outcome = data.y

This loads an object in which data.X, data.a, and data.y respectively hold the features for each individual, whether they stopped-smoking, and their observed difference in weight between 1971 and 1983.


This module implements a simulator and some related functions (e.g. creating random graph topologies)

CausalSimulator is based on an explicit graphical model connecting the feature data with several special nodes for treatment assignmenr, outcome, and censoring.
CausalSimulator can generate the feature data randomly, or it can use a given dataset. The approach without input data is exhibited below, and the approach based on existing data is exemplified in the notebook ``CasualSimulator_example.ipynb` <CasualSimulator_example.ipynb>`_

With no given data

To initialize the simulator you need to state all the arguments regarding the graph’s structure and variable related information

import numpy as np
from causallib.datasets import CausalSimulator
topology = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.bool)  # topology[i,j] iff node j is a parent of node i
topology[1, 0] = topology[2, 0] = topology[2, 1] = topology[3, 1] = topology[3, 2] = True
var_types = ["hidden", "covariate", "treatment", "outcome"]
link_types = ['linear', 'linear', 'linear', 'linear']
prob_categories = [[0.25, 0.25, 0.5], None, [0.5, 0.5], None]
treatment_methods = "gaussian"
snr = 0.9
treatment_importance = 0.8
effect_sizes = None
outcome_types = "binary"

sim = CausalSimulator(topology=topology, prob_categories=prob_categories,
                      link_types=link_types, snr=snr, var_types=var_types,
X, prop, (y0, y1) = sim.generate_data(num_samples=100)
digraph CausalGraph {
hidden -> covariate
hidden -> treatment
covariate -> treatment
covariate -> outcome
treatment -> outcome
  • This creates a graph topology of 4 variables, as depicted in the graph above: 1 hidden var (i.e. latent covariate), 1 regular covariate, 1 treatment variable and 1 outcome.

  • link_types determines that all variables will have linear dependencies on their predecessors.

  • var_types, together with prov_categories define:

    • Variable 0 (hidden) is categorical with categories distributed by the multinomial distribution [0.25, 0.25, 0.5].

    • Variable 1 (covariate) is continuous (since its corresponding prob_category is None).

    • Variable 2 (treatment) is categorical and treatment assignment is equal between the treatment groups.

  • treatment_methods means that treatment will be assigned by percentiles using a Gaussian distribution.

  • All variables have signal to noise ratio of signal / (signal+noise) = 0.9.

  • treatment_importance = 0.8 indicates that the outcome will be affected 80% by treatment and 20% by all other predecessors.

  • Effect size won’t be manipulated into a specific desired value (since it is None).

  • Outcome will be binary.

The data that is generated contains:

  • X contains all the data generated (including latent variables, treatment assignments and outcome)

  • prop contains the propensities

  • y0 and y1 hold the counterfactual outcomes without and with treatment, respectively.

Additional examples

A more elaborate example that includes using existing data is available in the example notebook.


Datasets are provided under Community Data License Agreement (CDLA).
The ACIC16 dataset is provided under CDLA-sharing license.
The NHEFS dataset is provided under CDLA-permissive license.
Please see the full corresponding license within each directory.

We thank the authors for sharing their data within this package.


Module contents