Source code for causallib.estimation.base_estimator

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Created on Apr 16, 2018

A module defining the various hierarchy of causal models interface.
Causal models have two main tasks - predicting counterfactual outcomes and predicting effect based on these estimated
On top of it there are two resolutions we can work on: the individual level (i.e. outcome and effect for each individual
in the dataset) and population level (i.e. some aggregation on the sample level).
This module defines it all with:
* EffectEstimator - can estimate both individual and population level effect
* PopulationOutcomeEstimator - estimates aggregated outcomes on different sub-groups in the dataset.
* IndividualOutcomeEstimator - estimates individual level outcomes.
import abc
import warnings

import pandas as pd
from numpy import isscalar

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from ..utils.general_tools import create_repr_string

[docs]class EffectEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ Class-based interface for estimating either individual-level or sample-level effect. """ # This is somewhat static class, but since we wish it be inherited interface, we grouped it as class rather than a # module. # Invariant to vector or scalar arithmetic: CALCULATE_EFFECT = {"diff": lambda x, y: x - y, "ratio": lambda x, y: x / y, "or": lambda x, y: (x / (1 - x)) / (y / (1 - y)) }
[docs] def estimate_effect(self, outcome_1, outcome_2, effect_types="diff"): """ Estimates an effect given two potential outcomes. Args: outcome_1 (pd.Series | float): A potential outcome. outcome_2 (pd.Series | float): A potential outcome. effect_types (list[str] | str): Any iterable of strings from the set of EffectEstimator.CALCULATE_EFFECT keys Returns: pd.Series | pd.DataFrame: A Series if population effect (input is scalar) with index are the effect types and values are the corresponding computed effect. A DataFrame if individual effect (input is a vector) where columns are effects types and rows are effect in each individual. Always: Value type is same is outcome_1 and outcome_2 type. Examples: >>> from causallib.estimation.base_estimator import EffectEstimator >>> effect_estimator = EffectEstimator() >>> effect_estimator.estimate_effect(0.3, 0.6) >>> {"diff": -0.3, # 0.3 - 0.6 "ratio": 0.5, # 0.3 / 0.6 "or": 0.2857} # Odds-Ratio(0.3, 0.6) """ effect_types = [effect_types] if isscalar(effect_types) else effect_types results = {} for effect_type in effect_types: effect = self.CALCULATE_EFFECT[effect_type](outcome_1, outcome_2) results[effect_type] = effect # Format results in pandas array: results = pd.Series(results) if isscalar(outcome_1) else pd.concat(results, axis="columns", names=["effect_type"]) return results
[docs]class PopulationOutcomeEstimator(EffectEstimator): """ Interface for estimating aggregated outcome over different subgroups in the dataset. """ # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(PopulationOutcomeEstimator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def estimate_population_outcome(self, X, a, y, treatment_values=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class IndividualOutcomeEstimator(PopulationOutcomeEstimator, EffectEstimator): """ Interface for estimating individual-level outcome for different treatment values. """ def __init__(self, learner, predict_proba=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: learner: Initialized sklearn model. predict_proba (bool): In case the outcome task is classification and in case `learner` supports the operation, if True - prediction will utilize learner's `predict_proba` or `decision_function` which returns a continuous matrix of size (n_samples, n_classes). If False - `predict` will be used and return value will be based on a vector of class classifications. """ self.learner = learner self.predict_proba = predict_proba # super(IndividualOutcomeEstimator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _aggregate_population_outcome(y, agg_func="mean"): """ Aggregates a vector (of individual outcomes) to a population outcome scalar. Args: y (pd.Series): Individual outcome prediction. agg_func (str): Type of aggregation function (e.g. "mean" or "median"). Returns: float: A scalar (float) aggregated result on the input. """ if agg_func == "mean": return y.mean() elif agg_func == "median": return y.median() # TODO: consider adding max and min aggregation else: raise LookupError("Not supported aggregation function ({})".format(agg_func))
[docs] def estimate_population_outcome(self, X, a, y=None, treatment_values=None, agg_func="mean"): """ Implements aggregation of individual outcome into population (sample) outcome. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). y (pd.Series | None): Observed outcome of size (num_subjects,). treatment_values (Any): Desired treatment value/s to stratify upon before aggregating individual into population outcome. If not supplied, calculates for all available treatment values. agg_func (str): Type of aggregation function (e.g. "mean" or "median"). Returns: pd.Series: Series which index are treatment values, and the values are numbers - the aggregated outcome for the strata of people whose assigned treatment is the key. """ if y is not None: warnings.warn("Variable y (outcome) is not used when calculating population outcome of an " "IndividualOutcome estimator. Instead it utilizes the individual outcome estimation.") individual_cf = self.estimate_individual_outcome(X, a, treatment_values) pop_outcome = individual_cf.apply(self._aggregate_population_outcome, args=(agg_func,)) return pop_outcome
[docs] def estimate_effect(self, outcome1, outcome2, agg="population", effect_types="diff"): """ Estimates an effect given two potential outcomes. Args: outcome1 (pd.Series): A potential outcome. outcome2 (pd.Series): A potential outcome. agg (str): Either "population" or "individual" - whether to calculate individual effect or population effect. effect_types (list[str] | str): Any iterable of strings from the set of EffectEstimator.CALCULATE_EFFECT keys Returns: pd.Series | pd.DataFrame: A Series if population effect (input is scalar) with index are the effect types and values are the corresponding computed effect. A DataFrame if individual effect (input is a vector) where columns are effects types and rows are effect in each individual. Always: Value type is the same as outcome_1 and outcome_2 type. """ if agg == "population": outcome1 = self._aggregate_population_outcome(outcome1) outcome2 = self._aggregate_population_outcome(outcome2) effect = super(IndividualOutcomeEstimator, self).estimate_effect(outcome1, outcome2, effect_types) return effect
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def estimate_individual_outcome(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, predict_proba=None): """ Estimates individual outcome under different treatment values (interventions) Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). treatment_values (Any): Desired treatment value/s to use when estimating the counterfactual outcome/ If not supplied, calculates for all available treatment values. predict_proba (bool | None): In case the outcome task is classification and in case `learner` supports the operation, if True - prediction will utilize learner's `predict_proba` or `decision_function` which returns a continuous matrix of size (n_samples, n_classes). If False - `predict` will be used and return value will be based on a vector of class classifications. If None - parameter is ignored and behaviour is as specified when initializing the IndividualOutcomeEstimator. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame which columns are treatment values and rows are individuals: each column is a vector size (num_samples,) that contains the estimated outcome for each individual under the treatment value in the corresponding key. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, X, a, y, sample_weight=None): """ Trains a causal model from observed data. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). y (pd.Series): Observed outcome of size (num_subjects,). sample_weight: To be passed to the underlining scikit-learn's fit method. Returns: IndividualOutcomeEstimator: A causal weight model with an inner learner fitted. """ raise NotImplementedError
# @abc.abstractmethod # def predict(self, X, a): # raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_fit(self, X, y, a=None): # if a is given then you can return fit on subgroups stratified by treatment values pass # TODO: Implement
def __repr__(self): repr_string = create_repr_string(self) return repr_string