Source code for causallib.estimation.overlap_weights

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Created on Jun 09, 2021


import warnings

import pandas as pd

from causallib.estimation.base_estimator import PopulationOutcomeEstimator
from causallib.estimation.base_weight import PropensityEstimator
from causallib.estimation.ipw import IPW

# TODO: Move fit and _predict methods to PropensityEstimator, instead of rely on it from the ipw module.

[docs]class OverlapWeights(IPW): def __init__(self, learner, use_stabilized=False): """ Implementation of overlap (propensity score) weighting: A method to balance observed covariates between treatment groups in observational studies. Down-weigh observations with extreme propensity and weigh up Put less importance to observations with extreme propensity scores, and put more emphasis on observations with a central tendency towards (i.e. overlapping propensity scores). Each unit’s weight is proportional to the probability of that unit being assigned to the opposite group: w_i = 1 - Pr[A=a_i|Xi] This method assumes only two treatment groups exist. Args: learner: Initialized sklearn model. use_stabilized (bool): Whether to re-weigh the learned weights with the prevalence of the treatment. See Also: """ super(OverlapWeights, self).__init__(learner, use_stabilized)
[docs] def compute_weight_matrix(self, X, a, clip_min=None, clip_max=None, use_stabilized=None): """ Computes individual weight across all possible treatment values. w_ij = 1 - Pr[A=a_j | X_i] for all individual i and treatment j. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). clip_min (None|float): Lower bound for propensity scores. Better be left `None`. clip_max (None|float): Upper bound for propensity scores. Better be left `None`. use_stabilized (None|bool): Whether to re-weigh the learned weights with the prevalence of the treatment. This overrides the use_stabilized parameter provided at initialization. If True provided, but the model was initialized with use_stabilized=False, then prevalence is calculated from data at hand, rather than the prevalence from the training data. See Also: Returns: pd.DataFrame: A matrix of size (num_subjects, num_treatments) with weight for every individual and every treatment. """ use_stabilized = self.use_stabilized if use_stabilized is None else use_stabilized # Check that number of unique classes is 2 self.__check_number_of_classes_is_legal(a) # Truncation is generally bad, check and warn: self.__check_truncation_value_is_none(clip_min, clip_max) # COmpute propensity scores probabilities = self.compute_propensity_matrix(X, a, clip_min, clip_max) # weight matrix: 1-P[a_i=1|x] # Reverse probabilities to opposite classes: probabilities.columns = probabilities.columns[::-1] # Flip name-based indexing # reorder weights_matrix weight_matrix = probabilities.iloc[:, ::-1] # Flip integer (location)-based indexing weight_matrix = self.stabilize_weights(a, weight_matrix, use_stabilized) return weight_matrix
[docs] def stabilize_weights(self, a, weight_matrix, use_stabilized=False): # TODO: Move this function to IPW """ Adjust sample weights according to class prevalence: Pr[A=a_i] * w_i Args: weight_matrix (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). use_stabilized (None|bool): Whether to re-weigh the learned weights with the prevalence of the treatment. This overrides the use_stabilized parameter provided at initialization. If True provided, but the model was initialized with use_stabilized=False, then prevalence is calculated from data at hand, rather than the prevalence from the training data. See Also: Returns: pd.DataFrame: A matrix of size (num_subjects, num_treatments) with stabilized (if True) weight for every individual and every treatment. """ if use_stabilized: if self.use_stabilized: prevalence = self.treatment_prevalence_ else: warnings.warn("Stabilized is asked, however, the model was not trained using stabilization, and " "therefore, stabilized weights are taken from the provided treatment assignment.", RuntimeWarning) prevalence = a.value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False) prevalence_per_subject = a.replace(prevalence) # map tx-assign to prevalence # pointwise multiplication of each column in weights: weight_matrix = weight_matrix.multiply(prevalence_per_subject, axis="index") return weight_matrix
@staticmethod def __check_number_of_classes_is_legal(x): count_classes = x.nunique() if count_classes != 2: raise AssertionError("Number of unique classes should be equal 2") @staticmethod def __check_truncation_value_is_none(clip_min, clip_max): if clip_min is not None or clip_max is not None: warnings.warn( "Trimming observations with Overlap Weighting may be redundant, " "as extreme observations can receive greater importance than they should.", RuntimeWarning )