Source code for causallib.estimation.rlearner

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Created on April 4, 2021
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target

from .base_estimator import IndividualOutcomeEstimator

from ..utils.crossfit import cross_fitting
from ..utils import general_tools as g_tools

[docs]class VotingEstimator: def __init__(self, estimators): self.estimators = estimators def _stack_predictions(self, X): """Collect results from clf.predict_proba or ref.predict calls.""" if hasattr(self.estimators[0], "predict_proba"): predictions = [est.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] for est in self.estimators] else: predictions = [est.predict(X) for est in self.estimators] predictions = np.stack(predictions, axis=-1) return predictions
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Aggregate results of different estimators""" predicted_target = self._stack_predictions(X) averaged_target = np.average(predicted_target, axis=-1) return pd.Series(averaged_target, index=X.index)
[docs]class RLearner(IndividualOutcomeEstimator): """ Given the measured outcome Y, the assignment A, and the coefficients X calculate an R-learner estimator of the effect of the treatment Let e(X) be the estimated propensity score and m(X) is the estimated outcome (E[Y|X]) by an estimator, then the R-learner minimize the following: ||Y - m(X) - (A-e(X))\tau(X)||^2_2 + lambda (\tau) where \tau(X) is a conditional average treatment effect and lambda is a regularize coefficient. If the effect_model is Linear, than minimizing squared loss with the target variable (Y-m(X)) and the features (A-e(X))X, otherwise it corresponds to a weighted regression problem, where the weights are (A-e(X))**2. This can be used with any scikit-learn regressor that accepts sample weights References: Nie, X., & Wager, S.(2017). Quasi - oracle estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects Chernozhukov, V., et al. (2018). Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural parameters.‏ """ def __init__( self, effect_model, outcome_model, treatment_model, outcome_covariates=None, treatment_covariates=None, effect_covariates=None, n_splits=5, refit=True, caliper=1e-6, non_parametric=False, ): """ Args: effect_model: An sklearn model that estimate that estimate the conditional average treatment effect \tau(X) outcome_model: An sklearn model that estimate the regressor Y|X (without the treatment). Note: it is recommended to use a regressor, even for binary outcome. treatment_model: An sklearn model that estimate the treatment model or the probability to be treated, i.e A|X or P(A=1|X) outcome_covariates (array): Covariates to use for the outcome model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. treatment_covariates (array): Covariates to use for treatment model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. effect_covariates (array): Covariates to use for the effect model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. n_splits (int): number of sample-splitting in the cross-fitting procedure refit (bool): if True - Nuisance models are fitted over the whole training set, otherwise Nuisance models are fitted per folds non_parametric(bool): if True - the effect_model is estimated as weighted regression task, otherwise the effect_model is considered linear. """ super(RLearner, self).__init__(lambda **x: None) # Dummy initialization delattr(self, "learner") # To remove the learner attribute a # IndividualOutcomeEstimator has self.effect_model = effect_model self.outcome_model = outcome_model self.treatment_model = treatment_model self.outcome_covariates = outcome_covariates self.treatment_covariates = treatment_covariates self.effect_covariates = effect_covariates self.n_splits = n_splits self.refit = refit self.caliper = caliper self.non_parametric = non_parametric def __repr__(self): repr_string = ( "{cls_name}(\n " "outcome_model={outcome},\n " "treatment_model={treatment},\n " "effect_model={effect})" ).format( cls_name=self.__class__.__name__, outcome=self.outcome_model, treatment=self.treatment_model, effect=self.effect_model, ) return repr_string def _extract_outcome_model_data(self, X): outcome_covariates = self.outcome_covariates or X.columns X_outcome = X[outcome_covariates] return X_outcome def _extract_treatment_model_data(self, X): treatment_covariates = self.treatment_covariates or X.columns X_treatment = X[treatment_covariates] return X_treatment def _extract_effect_model_data(self, X): X_effect = pd.Series(data=1, index=X.index, name="intercept_").to_frame() if not isinstance(self.effect_covariates, list) or self.effect_covariates: effect_covariates = self.effect_covariates or X.columns X_effect = pd.concat([X_effect, X[effect_covariates]], axis="columns") return X_effect def _prepare_data(self, X): """ Extract the relevant parts for outcome model, treatment model and effect model for the entire data matrix Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). Returns: (pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame): X_outcome, X_treatment, X_effect Data matrix for outcome model, treatment model and data effect model """ X_outcome = self._extract_outcome_model_data(X) X_treatment = self._extract_treatment_model_data(X) X_effect = self._extract_effect_model_data(X) return X_outcome, X_treatment, X_effect def _fit_and_predict_model(self, model, X, target, predict_proba): """ fit outcome model (E[Y|X]) or treatment model (E[A|X] or P[A=1|X]) and produce predictions on held-out data subsets Args: model (object): Treatment or outcome model X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). target (pd.Series): Observed target (outcome or treatment) of size (num_subjects,). predict_proba (bool): if True predict probabilities with predict_proba, otherwise use predict Returns: pd.Series: cross-fitted prediction of the outcome """ target_pred, estimators = cross_fitting( model, X, target, n_splits=self.n_splits, predict_proba=predict_proba ) target_pred = pd.Series(data=target_pred, index=X.index) if self.refit: estimators = [, target)] return target_pred, estimators def _fit_and_predict_nuisance(self, X_outcome, X_treatment, a, y): """ fit the nuisance models and return residuals Args: X_outcome (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). X_treatment (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). y (pd.Series): Observed outcome of size (num_subjects,). Returns: pd.Series, pd.Series: residuals of the outcome model, residuals of the treatment model """ # residuals of the outcome model pred_y, outcome_model_ = self._fit_and_predict_model( self.outcome_model, X_outcome, y, predict_proba=False ) res_y = y - pred_y self.outcome_model_ = VotingEstimator(outcome_model_) # residuals of the treatment model pred_a, treatment_model_ = self._fit_and_predict_model( self.treatment_model, X_treatment, a, predict_proba=self.binary_treatment_ ) res_a = a - pred_a self.treatment_model_ = VotingEstimator(treatment_model_) return res_y, res_a
[docs] def estimate_individual_effect(self, X): """ Predict the individual treatment effect Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). Returns: pd.Series: The series is a vector in size (num_subjects) that contains the estimated treatment effect, each row is an individual """ X_effect = self._extract_effect_model_data(X) return pd.Series(self.effect_model.predict(X_effect), index=X.index)
[docs] def estimate_individual_outcome(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, predict_proba=False): """ Estimating corrected individual counterfactual outcomes. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). treatment_values (Any): Desired treatment value/s to use when estimating the counterfactual outcome. If not supplied, calculates for all available treatment values. predict_proba: IGNORED. Not used, present for API consistency by convention. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame which columns are treatment values and rows are individuals: each column is a vector size (num_samples,) that contains the estimated outcome for each individual under the treatment value in the corresponding key. """ if (not self.binary_treatment_) & (treatment_values is None): raise ValueError( "The individual_outcome cannot be represented " "for a continuous treatment effect.\n Choose " 'treatment in "treatment_values" ' ) X_outcome = self._extract_outcome_model_data(X) X_treatment = self._extract_treatment_model_data(X) outcome_pred = self.outcome_model_.predict(X_outcome) treatment_pred = self.treatment_model_.predict(X_treatment) effect_pred = self.estimate_individual_effect(X) treatment_values = g_tools.get_iterable_treatment_values(treatment_values, a) individual_cf = { treatment_value: (treatment_value - treatment_pred) * effect_pred + outcome_pred for treatment_value in treatment_values } return pd.DataFrame(individual_cf)
def _fit_linear_effect_model(self, X, res_a, res_y): """ fit a linear effect model without fitting an intercept Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). res_a (pd.Series): residuals of the treatment model res_y (pd.Series): residuals of the outcome model """ if hasattr(self.effect_model, "fit_intercept"): if self.effect_model.fit_intercept: self.effect_model.fit_intercept = False warnings.warn( "The effect model forces intercept estimation as an " "additional coefficient. Therefore, the explicit " "`fit_intercept` attribute was set to False." ) else: warnings.warn( "`non_parametric=False` was passed and `effect_model` " "does not have a `fit_intercept` attribute and therefore " "does not seem to be scikit-learn LinearModel. " "Ignore this warning if you are sure `effect_model` " "is a linear model." ) # multiply each row by a scalar X_tilde = X * np.array(res_a)[:, np.newaxis], res_y) def _fit_non_parametric_effect_model(self, X, res_a, res_y, caliper): """ fit a non-parametric effect model as a weighted regression. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). res_a (pd.Series): residuals of the treatment model res_y (pd.Series): residuals of the outcome model caliper (None | float): minimal value of treatment-probability residual """ if hasattr(self.effect_model, "fit_intercept"): warnings.warn( "`non_parametric=True` was passed, but `effect_model` has a " "`fit_intercept` attributes and therefore seems to be a" "scikit-learn LinearModel. Ignore this warning if you're sure" "`effect_model` is a nonparametric model" ) caliper_ = caliper or self.caliper if caliper_ is not None: cond_clipping = np.abs(res_a) < caliper_ res_a.loc[cond_clipping] = caliper_ * np.sign(res_a.loc[cond_clipping]), (res_y / res_a), sample_weight=res_a ** 2)
[docs] def fit(self, X, a, y, caliper=None): """ Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). y (pd.Series): Observed outcome of size (num_subjects,). caliper (None | float): minimal value of treatment-probability residual. used to avoid division by zero when fitting the effect-model. If None - no clipping is done. The caliper is irrelevant if the effect_model is Linear. """ self.binary_treatment_ = type_of_target(a) == "binary" X_outcome, X_treatment, X_effect = self._prepare_data(X) res_y, res_a = self._fit_and_predict_nuisance(X_outcome, X_treatment, a, y) if self.non_parametric: self._fit_non_parametric_effect_model(X_effect, res_a, res_y, caliper) else: self._fit_linear_effect_model(X_effect, res_a, res_y) return self