Source code for causallib.estimation.tmle

import abc
import warnings
from typing import Type

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target

from .doubly_robust import BaseDoublyRobust
from causallib.estimation.base_estimator import IndividualOutcomeEstimator
from causallib.estimation.base_weight import PropensityEstimator
from causallib.utils.stat_utils import robust_lookup
from causallib.utils.general_tools import get_iterable_treatment_values, check_learner_is_fitted

[docs]class TMLE(BaseDoublyRobust): def __init__(self, outcome_model, weight_model, outcome_covariates=None, weight_covariates=None, reduced=False, importance_sampling=False, glm_fit_kwargs=None, ): """Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. A model that takes an outcome model that was optimized to predict E[Y|X,A], and "retargets" ("updates") it to estimate E[Y^A|X] using a "clever covariate" constructed from the inverse propensity weights. Steps: 1. Fit an outcome model Y=Q(X,A). 2. Fit a weight model A=g(X,A). 3. Construct a clever covariate using g(X,A). 4. Fit a logistic regression model Q* to predict Y using g(X,A) as features and Q(X,A) as offset. 5. Predict counterfactual outcome for treatment value `a` Q*(X,a) by plugging in Q(X,a) as offset, g(X,a) as covariate. Implements 4 flavours of TMLE controlled by the `reduced` and `importance_sampling` parameters. `importance_sampling=True` moves the clever covariate from being a feature to being a sample weight in the targeted regression. 'reduced=True' use a clever covariate vector of 1s and -1s, therefore only good for binary treatment. Otherwise, the clever covariate are the entire IPW matrix and can be used for multiple treatments. References: * TMLE: Van Der Laan MJ, Rubin D. Targeted maximum likelihood learning. 2006. * TMLE with a vector version of clever covariate: Schuler MS, Rose S. Targeted maximum likelihood estimation for causal inference in observational studies. 2017. * TMLE with a matrix version of clever covariate: Gruber S, van der Laan M. tmle: An R package for targeted maximum likelihood estimation. 2012. * TMLE with weighted regression and matrix of clever covariate: Gruber S, van der Laan M, Kennedy C. tmle: Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Cran documentation. * TMLE for continuous outcomes Gruber S, van der Laan MJ. A targeted maximum likelihood estimator of a causal effect on a bounded continuous outcome. 2010. Args: outcome_model (IndividualOutcomeEstimator): An initial prediction of the outcome weight_model (PropensityEstimator): An IPW model predicting the treatment. outcome_covariates (array): Covariates to use for outcome model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. weight_covariates (array): Covariates to use for weight model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. reduced (bool): If `True` uses a vector version of the clever covariate (rather than a matrix of all treatment values). If `True` enforces a binary treatment assignment. importance_sampling (bool): If `True` moves the clever covariate from being a feature to being a weight in the regression. glm_fit_kwargs (dict): Additional kwargs for statsmodels' ``. Can be used for example for refining the optimizers. see: """ super().__init__( outcome_model=outcome_model, weight_model=weight_model, outcome_covariates=outcome_covariates, weight_covariates=weight_covariates, ) self.reduced = reduced self.importance_sampling = importance_sampling self.glm_fit_kwargs = {} if glm_fit_kwargs is None else glm_fit_kwargs
[docs] def fit(self, X, a, y, refit_weight_model=True, **kwargs): # Initial outcome model: X_outcome = self._extract_outcome_model_data(X), a, y) y_pred = self._outcome_model_estimate_individual_outcome(X, a) y_pred = robust_lookup(y_pred, a) # Predictions on the observed # IPW to prepare covariates to fluctuate the initial estimator: weight_model_is_not_fitted = not check_learner_is_fitted(self.weight_model.learner) X_treatment = self._extract_weight_model_data(X) if refit_weight_model or weight_model_is_not_fitted:, a) self.clever_covariate_ = _clever_covariate_factory( self.reduced, self.importance_sampling )(self.weight_model) exog = self.clever_covariate_.clever_covariate_fit(X, a) sample_weights = self.clever_covariate_.sample_weights(X, a) # Update the initial estimator with the IPW: self._validate_predict_proba_for_classification(y) # The re-targeting of the estimation is done through logistic regression, # which requires the target to be bounded between 0 and 1. # We force this bounding in case target is continuous. # See Gruber and van der Laan 2010: self.target_scaler_ = TargetMinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) y = self.target_scaler_.transform(y) y_pred = self.target_scaler_.transform(y_pred) y_pred = _logit(y_pred) # Used as offset in logit-space # Statsmodels supports logistic regression with continuous (0-1 bounded) targets # so can be used with non-binary (but scaled) response variable (`y`) # targeted_outcome_model = sm.Logit( # endog=y, exog=clever_covariate, offset=y_pred, # ).fit(method="lbfgs") # GLM supports weighted regression, while Logit doesn't. targeted_outcome_model = sm.GLM( endog=y, exog=exog, offset=y_pred, freq_weights=sample_weights, family=sm.families.Binomial(), # family=sm.families.Binomial(sm.genmod.families.links.logit) ).fit(**self.glm_fit_kwargs) self.targeted_outcome_model_ = targeted_outcome_model return self
[docs] def estimate_individual_outcome(self, X, a, treatment_values=None, predict_proba=None): potential_outcomes = self._outcome_model_estimate_individual_outcome(X, a) res = {} for treatment_value in get_iterable_treatment_values(treatment_values, a): potential_outcome = potential_outcomes[treatment_value] potential_outcome = self.target_scaler_.transform(potential_outcome) potential_outcome = _logit(potential_outcome) treatment_assignment = self.clever_covariate_.clever_covariate_inference(X, a, treatment_value) counterfactual_prediction = self.targeted_outcome_model_.predict( treatment_assignment, offset=potential_outcome, ) counterfactual_prediction = self.target_scaler_.inverse_transform(counterfactual_prediction) res[treatment_value] = counterfactual_prediction res = pd.concat(res, axis="columns", names=[ or "a"]) return res
def _outcome_model_estimate_individual_outcome(self, X, a): """Standardize output for continuous `outcome_model` with `predict` with binary `outcome_model` with `predict_proba`""" # Force `predict_proba` so if `outcome_model.learner` is a classifier, # It will produce continuous scores. # For zeros and ones, logit(y_pred) will break with `inf` potential_outcomes = self.outcome_model.estimate_individual_outcome(X, a, predict_proba=True) is_predict_proba_classification_result = isinstance(potential_outcomes.columns, pd.MultiIndex) if is_predict_proba_classification_result: # Classification `outcome_model` with `predict_proba=True` returns # a MultiIndex treatment-values (`a`) over outcome-values (`y`) # Extract the prediction for the maximal outcome class # (probably class `1` in binary classification): outcome_values = potential_outcomes.columns.get_level_values(level=-1) potential_outcomes = potential_outcomes.xs( outcome_values.max(), axis="columns", level=-1, drop_level=True, ) # TODO: move scale + logit here? since they always go together return potential_outcomes def _validate_predict_proba_for_classification(self, y): if type_of_target(y) != "continuous" and not self.outcome_model.predict_proba: warnings.warn( "`predict_proba` should be used in `outcome_model` if outcome type " "is not continuous. TMLE will force the use of `predict_proba`.", UserWarning )
[docs]class BaseCleverCovariate: def __init__(self, weight_model): self.weight_model = weight_model
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clever_covariate_fit(self, X, a): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clever_covariate_inference(self, X, a, treatment_value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sample_weights(self, X, a): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CleverCovariateFeatureVector(BaseCleverCovariate): """Clever covariate uses a signed vector of inverse propensity weights, with control group have their weights negated. The vector is then used as a predictor to the targeting regression. References: * Schuler MS, Rose S. Targeted maximum likelihood estimation for causal inference in observational studies. 2017 """
[docs] def clever_covariate_fit(self, X, a): if a.nunique() != 2: raise AssertionError("Can only apply model on a binary treatment") w = self.weight_model.compute_weights(X, a) w[a == 0] *= -1 return w
[docs] def clever_covariate_inference(self, X, a, treatment_value): weight_matrix = self.weight_model.compute_weight_matrix(X, a) w = weight_matrix[treatment_value] if treatment_value == 0: w *= -1 return w
[docs] def sample_weights(self, X, a): return None # pd.Series(data=1, index=a.index)
[docs]class CleverCovariateImportanceSamplingMatrix(BaseCleverCovariate): """Clever covariate of inverse propensity weight vector is used as weight for the targeting regression. The predictors are a one-hot (full dummy) encoding of the treatment assignment. References: * Gruber S, van der Laan M. tmle: An R package for targeted maximum likelihood estimation. 2012. """
[docs] def clever_covariate_fit(self, X, a): self.treatment_encoder_ = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, categories="auto") A = self.treatment_encoder_.transform(a.to_frame()) A = pd.DataFrame(A, index=a.index, columns=self.treatment_encoder_.categories_[0]) return A
[docs] def clever_covariate_inference(self, X, a, treatment_value): treatment_assignment = np.full( shape=(a.shape[0], 1), fill_value=treatment_value, ) A = self.treatment_encoder_.transform(treatment_assignment) A = pd.DataFrame( A, index=a.index, columns=self.treatment_encoder_.categories_[0] ) return A
[docs] def sample_weights(self, X, a): w = self.weight_model.compute_weights(X, a) return w
[docs]class CleverCovariateImportanceSamplingVector(BaseCleverCovariate): """Clever covariate of inverse propensity weight vector is used as weight for the targeting regression. The predictors are a signed vector with negative 1 for the control group. """
[docs] def clever_covariate_fit(self, X, a): if a.nunique() != 2: raise AssertionError("Can only apply model on a binary treatment") a_sign = a.replace({0: -1}) # 2 * a - 1 # Convert a==0 to -1, keep a==1 as 1. return a_sign
[docs] def clever_covariate_inference(self, X, a, treatment_value): treatment_value = -1 if treatment_value == 0 else treatment_value treatment_assignment = pd.Series(data=treatment_value, index=a.index) return treatment_assignment
[docs] def sample_weights(self, X, a): w = self.weight_model.compute_weights(X, a) return w
[docs]class CleverCovariateFeatureMatrix(CleverCovariateImportanceSamplingMatrix): """Clever covariate uses a matrix of inverse propensity weights of all treatment values as a predictor to the targeting regression. References: * Gruber S, van der Laan M. tmle: An R package for targeted maximum likelihood estimation. 2012. """
[docs] def clever_covariate_fit(self, X, a): A = super().clever_covariate_fit(X, a) W = self.weight_model.compute_weight_matrix(X, a) w = A * W return w
[docs] def clever_covariate_inference(self, X, a, treatment_value): assignment = super().clever_covariate_inference(X, a, treatment_value) W = self.weight_model.compute_weight_matrix(X, a) w = assignment * W return w
[docs] def sample_weights(self, X, a): return None # pd.Series(data=1, index=a.index)
def _logit(p, safe=True): # TODO: move logit as a method, and do a clipped version with bounds specified in constructor if safe: epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps p = np.clip(p, epsilon, 1 - epsilon) return np.log(p / (1 - p)) def _clever_covariate_factory(reduced, importance_sampling) -> Type[BaseCleverCovariate]: if importance_sampling and reduced: return CleverCovariateImportanceSamplingVector elif importance_sampling and not reduced: return CleverCovariateImportanceSamplingMatrix elif not importance_sampling and reduced: return CleverCovariateFeatureVector else: # not importance_sampling and not reduced return CleverCovariateFeatureMatrix
[docs]class TargetMinMaxScaler(MinMaxScaler): """A MinMaxScaler that operates on a vector (Series)""" # @staticmethod def _series_to_matrix_and_back(func): def to_matrix_run_and_to_series(self, X): X_index, X_name = X.index, # Convert back to pandas Series later X = X.to_frame() # MinMaxScaler requires a 2D array, not a vector X = func(self, X) X = pd.Series( X.ravel(), index=X_index, name=X_name, ) return X return to_matrix_run_and_to_series
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): X = X.to_frame() # MinMaxScaler requires a 2D array, not a vector super().fit(X, y) return self
[docs] @_series_to_matrix_and_back def transform(self, X): X = super().transform(X) return X
[docs] @_series_to_matrix_and_back def inverse_transform(self, X): X = super().inverse_transform(X) return X
# Decorator function cannot be defined as static before decorating, # so setting as the decorator as `staticmethod` is done after defining the functions using the decorator _series_to_matrix_and_back = staticmethod(_series_to_matrix_and_back)