Source code for causallib.evaluation.evaluator

Methods for evaluating causal inference models.

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Created on Dec 25, 2018


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

from .predictions import PropensityEvaluatorScores
from .predictor import predict_cv
from .results import EvaluationResults
from .scoring import score_cv

def _make_dummy_cv(n_samples):
    phases = ["train"]  # dummy phase
    # All DataFrame rows when using iloc
    cv = pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=n_samples)
    cv = [(cv, cv)]  # wrap in a tuple format compatible with sklearn's cv output
    return phases, cv

def _make_bootstrap_cv(n_samples_total, n_bootstrap, n_samples_bootstrap, replace):
    # Evaluation using bootstrap
    phases = ["train"]  # dummy phase

    # Generate bootstrap sample:
    cv = []
    # All DataFrame rows when using iloc
    X_ilocs = pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=n_samples_total)
    for _ in range(n_bootstrap):
        # Get iloc positions of a bootstrap sample (sample the size of X with replacement):
        # idx = X.sample(n=X.shape[0], replace=True).index
        # idx = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=X.shape[0], size=X.shape[0])
        idx = np.random.choice(X_ilocs, size=n_samples_bootstrap, replace=replace)
        # wrap in a tuple format compatible with sklearn's cv output
        cv.append((idx, idx))
    return phases, cv

[docs]def evaluate( estimator, X, a, y, cv=None, metrics_to_evaluate="defaults", plots=False, ): """Evaluate model in cross-validation of the provided data Args: estimator (causallib.estimation.base_estimator.IndividualOutcomeEstimator | causallib.estimation.base_weight.WeightEstimator | causallib.estimation.base_weight.PropensityEstimator) : an estimator. If using cv, it will be refit, otherwise it should already be fit. X (pd.DataFrame): Covariates. a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment. y (pd.Series): Outcome. cv (list[tuples] | generator[tuples] | None): list the number of folds containing tuples of indices (train_idx, validation_idx) in an iloc manner (row number). If None, there will be no cross-validation. If `cv="auto"`, a stratified Kfold with 5 folds will be created and used for cross-validation. metrics_to_evaluate (dict | "defaults" | None): key: metric's name, value: callable that receives true labels, prediction, and sample_weights (the latter may be ignored). If `"defaults"`, default metrics are selected. If `None`, no metrics are evaluated. plots (bool): whether to generate plots Returns: EvaluationResults """ if cv is None: return _evaluate_simple(estimator, X, a, y, metrics_to_evaluate, plots) # when evaluate_cv gets cv=None it makes an auto cv so turn "auto" to None if cv == "auto": cv = None return _evaluate_cv( estimator=estimator, X=X, a=a, y=y, cv=cv, refit=True, phases=("train", "valid"), metrics_to_evaluate=metrics_to_evaluate, plots=plots, )
def _evaluate_simple(estimator, X, a, y, metrics_to_evaluate=None, plots=False): """Evaluate model on the provided data without cross-validation or bootstrap. Simple evaluation without cross validation on the provided data can be to test the model on its train data or on new data. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariates. a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment. y (pd.Series): Outcome. metrics_to_evaluate (dict | None): key: metric's name, value: callable that receives true labels, prediction and sample_weights (the latter is allowed to be ignored). If not provided, defaults from causallib.evaluation.metrics are used. plots (list[str] | None): list of plots to make. If None, none are generated. Returns: causallib.evaluation.results.EvaluationResults """ phases, cv = _make_dummy_cv(X.shape[0]) results = _evaluate_cv( estimator, X, a, y, cv=cv, refit=False, phases=phases, metrics_to_evaluate=metrics_to_evaluate, plots=plots, ) results.remove_spurious_cv() return results def _evaluate_cv( estimator, X, a, y, cv=None, refit=True, phases=("train", "valid"), metrics_to_evaluate=None, plots=False, ): """Evaluate model in cross-validation of the provided data Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariates. a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment. y (pd.Series): Outcome. cv (list[tuples] | generator[tuples]): list the number of folds containing tuples of indices (train_idx, validation_idx) in an iloc manner (row number). refit (bool): Whether to refit the model on each fold. phases (list[str]): {["train", "valid"], ["train"], ["valid"]}. Phases names to evaluate on - train ("train"), validation ("valid") or both. 'train' corresponds to cv[i][0] and 'valid' to cv[i][1] metrics_to_evaluate (dict | None): key: metric's name, value: callable that receives true labels, prediction, and sample_weights (the latter may be ignored). plots (bool): whether to generate plots Returns: EvaluationResults """ # We need consistent splits for predicting, scoring and plotting. # If cv is a generator, it would be lost after after first use. # If kfold has shuffle=True, it would be inconsistent. # To keep consistent reproducible folds, we save them as a list. if cv is None: kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5) cv = kfold.split(X=X, y=a) # if cv is generator it would listify it, if cv is already a list this is idempotent cv = list(cv) predictions, models = predict_cv(estimator, X, a, y, cv, refit, phases) if metrics_to_evaluate is not None: evaluated_metrics = score_cv(predictions, X, a, y, cv, metrics_to_evaluate) else: evaluated_metrics = None evaluation_results = EvaluationResults.make( evaluated_metrics=evaluated_metrics, predictions=predictions, cv=cv, models=models if refit is True else [estimator], X=X, a=a, y=y, ) if plots: evaluation_results.plot_all() return evaluation_results
[docs]def evaluate_bootstrap( estimator, X, a, y, n_bootstrap, n_samples=None, replace=True, refit=False, metrics_to_evaluate=None, ): """Evaluate model on a bootstrap sample of the provided data Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariates. a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment. y (pd.Series): Outcome. n_bootstrap (int): Number of bootstrap sample to create. n_samples (int | None): Number of samples to sample in each bootstrap sampling. If None - will use the number samples (first dimension) of the data. replace (bool): Whether to use sampling with replacements. If False - n_samples (if provided) should be smaller than X.shape[0]) refit (bool): Whether to refit the estimator on each bootstrap sample. Can be computational intensive if n_bootstrap is large. metrics_to_evaluate (dict | None): key: metric's name, value: callable that receives true labels, prediction and sample_weights (the latter is allowed to be ignored). If not provided, default from causallib.evaluation.metrics are used. Returns: EvaluationResults """ n_samples_total = X.shape[0] if n_samples is None: n_samples = n_samples_total phases, cv = _make_bootstrap_cv(n_samples_total, n_bootstrap, n_samples, replace) results = _evaluate_cv( estimator, X, a, y, cv=cv, refit=refit, phases=phases, metrics_to_evaluate=metrics_to_evaluate, plots=None, ) results.remove_spurious_cv() if results.evaluated_metrics is not None: if isinstance(results.evaluated_metrics, PropensityEvaluatorScores): results.evaluated_metrics.covariate_balance.index.rename("sample", "fold", inplace=True) results.evaluated_metrics.prediction_scores.index.rename("sample", "fold", inplace=True) else: results.evaluated_metrics.index.rename("sample", "fold", inplace=True) return results