Source code for causallib.evaluation.plots.data_extractors

"""Plot data extractors.

The responsibility of these classes is to extract the data from the
EvaluationResults objects to match the requested plot.

import abc

from sklearn import metrics

from . import curve_data_makers, plots
from ...metrics.weight_metrics import calculate_covariate_balance

[docs]class BaseEvaluationPlotDataExtractor(abc.ABC): """Extractor to get plot data from EvaluationResults. Subclasses also have a `plot_names` property. """ def __init__( self, evaluation_results: "causallib.evaluation.results.EvaluationResults" ): self.predictions = evaluation_results.predictions self.X = evaluation_results.X self.a = evaluation_results.a self.y = evaluation_results.y =
[docs] def cv_by_phase(self, phase="train"): """Get the cross-validation indices of all folds for a given phase. Args: phase (str, optional): Requested phase: "train" or "valid. Defaults to "train". Returns: List: _description_ """ fold_idx = 0 if phase == "train" else 1 return [fold[fold_idx] for fold in]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_data_for_plot(self, plot_name, phase="train"): """Get data for plot with name `plot_name`.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class WeightPlotDataExtractor(BaseEvaluationPlotDataExtractor): """Extractor to get plot data from WeightEvaluatorPredictions.""" plot_names = plots.WeightPlotNames
[docs] def get_data_for_plot(self, plot_name, phase="train"): """Retrieve the data needed for each provided plot. Plot functions are in plots module. Args: plot_name (str): Plot name. Returns: tuple: Plot data """ folds_predictions = self.predictions[phase] if plot_name in {plots.WEIGHT_DISTRIBUTION_PLOT}: return ( [p.weight_for_being_treated for p in folds_predictions], self.a, self.cv_by_phase(phase), ) if plot_name in { plots.COVARIATE_BALANCE_LOVE_PLOT, plots.COVARIATE_BALANCE_SLOPE_PLOT, plots.COVARIATE_BALANCE_GENERIC_PLOT, }: distribution_distances = [] for fold_prediction in folds_predictions: fold_w = fold_prediction.weight_by_treatment_assignment fold_X = self.X.loc[fold_w.index] fold_a = self.a.loc[fold_w.index] dist_dist = calculate_covariate_balance(fold_X, fold_a, fold_w) distribution_distances.append(dist_dist) return (distribution_distances,) raise ValueError(f"Received unsupported plot name {plot_name}!")
[docs]class PropensityPlotDataExtractor(WeightPlotDataExtractor): """Extractor to get plot data from PropensityEvaluatorPredictions.""" plot_names = plots.PropensityPlotNames
[docs] def get_data_for_plot(self, plot_name, phase="train"): """Retrieve the data needed for each provided plot. Plot interfaces are at the module. Args: plot_name (str): Plot name. fold_predictions (list[PropensityEvaluatorPredictions]): Predictions for each fold. cv list[np.ndarray]: Indices (in iloc positions) of each fold. Returns: tuple: Plot data """ fold_predictions = self.predictions[phase] if plot_name in {plots.WEIGHT_DISTRIBUTION_PLOT, plots.CALIBRATION_PLOT}: return ( [p.propensity for p in fold_predictions], self.a, self.cv_by_phase(phase), ) if plot_name in {plots.ROC_CURVE_PLOT}: curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_curve_data_propensity( fold_predictions, self.a, metrics.roc_curve, metrics.roc_auc_score ) roc_curve = curve_data_makers.calculate_roc_curve(curve_data) return (roc_curve,) if plot_name in {plots.PR_CURVE_PLOT}: curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_curve_data_propensity( fold_predictions, self.a, metrics.precision_recall_curve, metrics.average_precision_score, ) pr_curve = curve_data_makers.calculate_pr_curve(curve_data, self.a) return (pr_curve,) # Common plots are implemented at top-most level possible. # Plot might be implemented by WeightEvaluator: return super().get_data_for_plot(plot_name, phase=phase)
[docs]class ContinuousOutcomePlotDataExtractor(BaseEvaluationPlotDataExtractor): """Extractor to get plot data from OutcomeEvaluatorPredictions. Note that the available plots are different if the outcome predictions are binary/classification or continuous/regression. """ plot_names = plots.ContinuousOutputPlotNames
[docs] def get_data_for_plot(self, plot_name, phase="train"): """Retrieve the data needed for each provided plot. Plot interfaces are at the plots module. Args: plot_name (str): Plot name. Returns: tuple: Plot data """ fold_predictions = self.predictions[phase] if plot_name in {plots.CONTINUOUS_ACCURACY_PLOT, plots.RESIDUALS_PLOT}: return ( [x.get_prediction_by_treatment(self.a) for x in fold_predictions], self.y, self.a, self.cv_by_phase(phase), ) if plot_name in {plots.COMMON_SUPPORT_PLOT}: return ( [p.prediction for p in fold_predictions], self.a, self.cv_by_phase(phase), ) raise ValueError(f"Received unsupported plot name {plot_name}!")
[docs]class BinaryOutcomePlotDataExtractor(BaseEvaluationPlotDataExtractor): """Extractor to get plot data from OutcomeEvaluatorPredictions. Note that the available plots are different if the outcome predictions are binary/classification or continuous/regression. """ plot_names = plots.BinaryOutputPlotNames
[docs] def get_data_for_plot(self, plot_name, phase="train"): """Retrieve the data needed for each provided plot. Plot interfaces are at the plots module. Args: plot_name (str): Plot name. Returns: tuple: Plot data """ fold_predictions = self.predictions[phase] if plot_name in {plots.CALIBRATION_PLOT}: return ( [x.get_proba_by_treatment(self.a) for x in fold_predictions], self.y, self.cv_by_phase(phase), ) if plot_name in {plots.ROC_CURVE_PLOT}: proba_list = [x.get_proba_by_treatment(self.a) for x in fold_predictions] curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_curve_data_binary_outcome( proba_list, self.y, metrics.roc_curve, metrics.roc_auc_score, stratify_by=self.a, ) roc_curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_roc_curve(curve_data) return (roc_curve_data,) if plot_name in {plots.PR_CURVE_PLOT}: proba_list = [x.get_proba_by_treatment(self.a) for x in fold_predictions] curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_curve_data_binary_outcome( proba_list, self.y, metrics.precision_recall_curve, metrics.average_precision_score, stratify_by=self.a, ) pr_curve_data = curve_data_makers.calculate_pr_curve(curve_data, self.y) return (pr_curve_data,) raise ValueError(f"Received unsupported plot name {plot_name}!")