Source code for causallib.preprocessing.transformers

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import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer as skImputer
from ..utils.stat_utils import which_columns_are_binary
from causallib.estimation import Matching

# TODO: Entire module might be redundant, now that scikit-learn supports missing values
#       in its preprocessing:
#       The only support now needed is:
#       1) Transforming from numpy-array to pandas DataFrame in a pipeline, before specifying a causal model.
#       2) Possible generic support for causallib's additional `a` parameter, along with `X` and `y`.

[docs]class StandardScaler(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Standardize continuous features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance while allowing nans. X = (X - X.mean()) / X.std() """ def __init__(self, with_mean=True, with_std=True, ignore_nans=True): """ Args: with_mean (bool): Whether to center the data before scaling. with_std (bool): Whether to scale the data to unit variance. ignore_nans (bool): Whether to ignore NaNs during calculation. """ self.with_mean = with_mean self.with_std = with_std self.ignore_nans = ignore_nans
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Compute the mean and std to be used for later scaling. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). y: Passthrough for ``Pipeline`` compatibility. Returns: StandardScaler: A fitted standard-scaler """ continuous_features = self._get_relevant_features(X) self._feature_mask_ = continuous_features if self.with_mean: means = X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_].mean(skipna=self.ignore_nans) else: means = pd.Series(0, index=continuous_features) self.mean_ = means if self.with_std: scales = X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_].std(skipna=self.ignore_nans) else: scales = pd.Series(1, index=continuous_features) self.scale_ = scales return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, y='deprecated'): """ Perform standardization by centering and scaling Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). y: Passthrough for ``Pipeline`` compatibility.X: Returns: pd.DataFrame: Scaled dataset. """ # Taken from the sklearn implementation. Will probably need adjustment when a new scikit-learn version is out: if not isinstance(y, str) or y != 'deprecated': warnings.warn("The parameter y on transform() is deprecated since 0.19 and will be removed in 0.21", DeprecationWarning) X = X.copy() # type: pd.DataFrame if self.with_mean: X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] -= self.mean_ if self.with_std: X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] /= self.scale_ return X
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, X): """ Scale back the data to the original representation Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). Returns: pd.DataFrame: Un-scaled dataset. """ X = X.copy() # type: pd.DataFrame if self.with_std: X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] *= self.scale_ if self.with_mean: X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] += self.mean_ return X
@staticmethod def _get_relevant_features(X): """ Returns a binary mask specifying the continuous features to operate on. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). Returns: pd.Index: a pd.Index with name of columns specifying which features to apply the transformation on. """ # FIXME utilize sklearn.utils.multiclass.type_of_target() continuous_cols = X.columns[~which_columns_are_binary(X)] return continuous_cols
[docs]class MinMaxScaler(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Scales features to 0-1, allowing for NaNs. X_std = (X - X.min(axis=0)) / (X.max(axis=0) - X.min(axis=0)) """ def __init__(self, only_binary_features=True, ignore_nans=True): """ Args: only_binary_features (bool): Whether to apply only on binary features or across all. ignore_nans (bool): Whether to ignore NaNs during calculation. """ self.only_binary_features = only_binary_features self.ignore_nans = ignore_nans
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Compute the minimum and maximum to be used for later scaling. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). y: Passthrough for ``Pipeline`` compatibility. Returns: MinMaxScaler: a fitted MinMaxScaler """ feature_mask = self._get_relevant_features(X) self._feature_mask_ = feature_mask self.min_ = X.min(skipna=self.ignore_nans)[feature_mask] self.max_ = X.max(skipna=self.ignore_nans)[feature_mask] self.scale_ = self.max_ - self.min_ # if feature_mask.size != X.shape[1]: # self.scale_[~feature_mask] = 1 # self.min_[~feature_mask] = 0 # self.max_[~feature_mask] = 1 return self
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, X): """ Scaling chosen features of X to the range of 0 - 1. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] Input data that will be transformed. Returns: pd.DataFrame: array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features]. Transformed data. """ # No warning for y, since there's no y variable. # This correpsonds to function signature in scikit-learn's code base X = X.copy() # type: pd.DataFrame X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] *= self.scale_ X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] += self.min_ return X
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Undo the scaling of X according to feature_range. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] Input data that will be transformed. Returns: pd.DataFrame: array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features]. Transformed data. """ X = X.copy() # type: pd.DataFrame X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] -= self.min_ X.loc[:, self._feature_mask_] /= self.scale_ return X
def _get_relevant_features(self, X): """ Returns a binary mask specifying the features to operate on (either all features or binary features if self.only_binary_features is True. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis (axis=0). Returns: pd.Index: a binary mask specifying which features to apply the transformation on. """ if self.only_binary_features: feature_mask = which_columns_are_binary(X) else: feature_mask = np.ones(X.shape[1], dtype=bool) return feature_mask
[docs]class Imputer(skImputer):
[docs] def transform(self, X): X_transformed = super().transform(X.values) X_transformed = pd.DataFrame( X_transformed, index=X.index, columns=X.columns) return X_transformed
[docs]class PropensityTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, learner, include_covariates=False): """Transform covariates by adding/replacing with the propensity score. Args: learner (sklearn.estimator) : A learner implementing `fit` and `predict_proba` to use for predicting the propensity score. include_covariates (bool) : Whether to return the original covariates alongside the "propensity" column. """ self.include_covariates = include_covariates self.learner = learner
[docs] def fit(self, X, a):, a) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, treatment_values=None): """Append propensity or replace covariates with propensity. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame of samples to transform. This will be input to the learner trained by fit. If the columns are different, the results will not be valid. treatment_values (Any | None): A desired value/s to extract propensity to (i.e. probabilities to what treatment value should be calculated). If not specified, then the maximal treatment value is chosen. This is since the usual case is of treatment (A=1) control (A=0) setting. Returns: pd.DataFrame : DataFrame with a "propensity" column. If "include_covariates" is `True`, it will include all of the original features plus "propensity", else it will only have the "propensity" column. """ treatment_values = 1 if treatment_values is None else treatment_values res = self.learner.predict_proba(X)[:, treatment_values] res = pd.DataFrame(res, index=X.index, columns=["propensity"]) if self.include_covariates: res = X.join(res) return res
[docs]class MatchingTransformer(object): def __init__( self, propensity_transform=None, caliper=None, with_replacement=True, n_neighbors=1, matching_mode="both", metric="mahalanobis", knn_backend="sklearn", ): """Transform data by removing poorly matched samples. Args: propensity_transform (causallib.transformers.PropensityTransformer): an object for data preprocessing which adds the propensity score as a feature (default: None) caliper (float) : maximal distance for a match to be accepted. If not defined, all matches will be accepted. If defined, some samples may not be matched and their outcomes will not be estimated. (default: None) with_replacement (bool): whether samples can be used multiple times for matching. If set to False, the matching process will optimize the linear sum of distances between pairs of treatment and control samples and only `min(N_treatment, N_control)` samples will be estimated. Matching with no replacement does not make use of the `fit` data and is therefore not implemented for out-of-sample data (default: True) n_neighbors (int) : number of nearest neighbors to include in match. Must be 1 if `with_replacement` is `False.` If larger than 1, the estimate is calculated using the `regress_agg_function` or `classify_agg_function` across the `n_neighbors`. Note that when the `caliper` variable is set, some samples will have fewer than `n_neighbors` matches. (default: 1). matching_mode (str) : Direction of matching: `treatment_to_control`, `control_to_treatment` or `both` to indicate which set should be matched to which. All sets are cross-matched in `match` and when `with_replacement` is `False` all matching modes coincide. With replacement there is a difference. metric (str) : Distance metric string for calculating distance between samples. Note: if an external built `knn_backend` object with a different metric is supplied, `metric` needs to be changed to reflect that, because `Matching` will set its inverse covariance matrix if "mahalanobis" is set. (default: "mahalanobis", also supported: "euclidean") knn_backend (str or callable) : Backend to use for nearest neighbor search. Options are "sklearn" or a callable which returns an object implementing `fit`, `kneighbors` and `set_params` like the sklearn `NearestNeighbors` object. (default: "sklearn"). """ self.matching = Matching( propensity_transform=propensity_transform, caliper=caliper, with_replacement=with_replacement, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, matching_mode=matching_mode, metric=metric, knn_backend=knn_backend, )
[docs] def fit(self, X, a, y): """Fit data to transform This function loads the data for matching and must be called before `transform`. For convenience, consider using `fit_transform`. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of shape (n,m) containing m covariates for n samples. a (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing discrete treatment values for the n samples. y (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing outcomes for the n samples. Returns: self (MatchingTransformer) : Fitted object """, a, y) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, a, y): """Transform data by restricting it to samples which are matched Following a matching process, not all of the samples will find matches. Transforming the data by only allowing samples in treatment that have close matches in control, or in control that have close matches in treatment can make other causal methods more effective. This function will call `match` on the underlying Matching object. The attribute `matching_mode` changes the behavior of this function. If set to `control_to_treatment` each control will attempt to find a match among the treated, hence the transformed data will have a maximum size of N_c + min(N_c,N_t). If set to `treatment_to_control`, each treatment will attempt to find a match among the control and the transformed data will have a maximum size of N_t + min(N_c,N_t). If set to `both`, both matching operations will be executed and if a sample succeeds in either direction it will be included, hence the maximum size of the transformed data will be `len(X)`. If `with_replacement` is `False`, `matching_mode` does not change the behavior. There will be up to `min(N_c,N_t)` samples in the returned DataFrame, regardless. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of shape (n,m) containing m covariates for n samples. a (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing discrete treatment values for the n samples. y (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing outcomes for the n samples. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if a value of attribute `matching_mode` other than the supported values is set. Returns: Xm (pd.DataFrame): Covariates of samples that were matched am (pd.Series): Treatment values of samples that were matched ym (pd.Series): Outcome values of samples that were matched """ self.matching.match(X, a, use_cached_result=True) matched_sample_indices = self.find_indices_of_matched_samples(X, a) X = X.loc[matched_sample_indices] a = a.loc[matched_sample_indices] y = y.loc[matched_sample_indices] return X, a, y
[docs] def find_indices_of_matched_samples(self, X, a): """Find indices of samples which matched successfully. Given a DataFrame of samples `X` and treatment assignments `a`, return a list of indices of samples which matched successfully. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariates of samples a (pd.Series): Treatment assignments Returns: pd.Series: indices of matched samples to be passed to `X.loc` """ matching_weights = self.matching.matches_to_weights() matches_mask = self._filter_matching_weights_by_mode(matching_weights) return matches_mask
def _filter_matching_weights_by_mode(self, matching_weights): if self.matching.matching_mode == "control_to_treatment": matches_mask = matching_weights.control_to_treatment elif self.matching.matching_mode == "treatment_to_control": matches_mask = matching_weights.treatment_to_control elif self.matching.matching_mode == "both": matches_mask = matching_weights.sum(axis=1) else: raise NotImplementedError("Matching mode {} not supported".format( self.matching.matching_mode)) matches_mask = matches_mask.astype(bool) return matches_mask
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, a, y): """Match data and return matched subset. This is a convenience method, calling `fit` and `transform` at once. For details, see documentation of each function. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of shape (n,m) containing m covariates for n samples. a (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing discrete treatment values for the n samples. y (pd.Series): Series of shape (n,) containing outcomes for the n samples. Returns: Xm (pd.DataFrame): Covariates of samples that were matched am (pd.Series): Treatment values of samples that were matched ym (pd.Series): Outcome values of samples that were matched """, a, y) return self.transform(X, a, y)
[docs] def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Set parameters of matching engine. Supported parameters are: Keyword Args: propensity_transform (causallib.transformers.PropensityTransformer): an object for data preprocessing which adds the propensity score as a feature (default: None) caliper (float) : maximal distance for a match to be accepted (default: None) with_replacement (bool): whether samples can be used multiple times for matching (default: True) n_neighbors (int) : number of nearest neighbors to include in match. Must be 1 if `with_replacement` is False (default: 1). matching_mode (str) : Direction of matching: `treatment_to_control`, `control_to_treatment` or `both` to indicate which set should be matched to which. All sets are cross-matched in `match` and without replacement there is no difference in outcome, but with replacement there is a difference and it impacts the results of `transform`. metric (str) : Distance metric string for calculating distance between samples (default: "mahalanobis", also supported: "euclidean") knn_backend (str or callable) : Backend to use for nearest neighbor search. Options are "sklearn" or a callable which returns an object implementing `fit`, `kneighbors` and `set_params` like the sklearn `NearestNeighbors` object. (default: "sklearn"). Returns: self: (MatchingTransformer) object with new parameters set """ supported_params = [ "propensity_transform", "caliper", "n_neighbors", "metric", "with_replacement", "matching_mode", "knn_backend", ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in supported_params: self.matching.__setattr__(key, value) else: warnings.warn( "Received unsupported parameter: {}. Nothing done.".format(key)) return self