Source code for causallib.survival.weighted_standardized_survival

from .survival_utils import canonize_dtypes_and_names
from .standardized_survival import StandardizedSurvival
from causallib.estimation.base_weight import WeightEstimator
import pandas as pd
from typing import Any, Optional

[docs]class WeightedStandardizedSurvival(StandardizedSurvival): def __init__( self, weight_model: WeightEstimator, survival_model: Any, stratify: bool = True, outcome_covariates=None, weight_covariates=None, ): """ Combines WeightedSurvival and StandardizedSurvival: 1. Adjusts for treatment assignment by creating weighted pseudo-population (e.g., inverse propensity weighting). 2. Computes parametric curve by fitting a time-varying hazards model that includes baseline covariates. Args: weight_model: causallib compatible weight model (e.g., IPW) survival_model: Two alternatives: 1. Scikit-Learn estimator (needs to implement `predict_proba`) - compute parametric curve by fitting a time-varying hazards model that includes baseline covariates. Note that the model is fitted on a person-time table with all covariates, and might be computationally and memory expansive. 2. lifelines RegressionFitter - use lifelines fitter to compute survival curves from baseline covariates, events and durations stratify (bool): if True, fit a separate model per treatment group outcome_covariates (array): Covariates to use for outcome model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. weight_covariates (array): Covariates to use for weight model. If None - all covariates passed will be used. Either list of column names or boolean mask. """ self.weight_model = weight_model super().__init__(survival_model=survival_model, stratify=stratify) self.outcome_covariates = outcome_covariates self.weight_covariates = weight_covariates def _prepare_data(self, X, *args, **kwargs): """ Extract the relevant parts for outcome model and weight model for the entire data matrix Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). Returns: (pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame): X_outcome, X_weight Data matrix for outcome model and data matrix weight model """ outcome_covariates = X.columns if self.outcome_covariates is None else self.outcome_covariates X_outcome = X[outcome_covariates] weight_covariates = X.columns if self.weight_covariates is None else self.weight_covariates X_weight = X[weight_covariates] return X_outcome, X_weight
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, a: pd.Series, t: pd.Series, y: pd.Series, w: Optional[pd.Series] = None, fit_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None): """ Fits parametric models and calculates internal survival functions. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): Baseline covariate matrix of size (num_subjects, num_features). a (pd.Series): Treatment assignment of size (num_subjects,). t (pd.Series): Followup duration, size (num_subjects,). y (pd.Series): Observed outcome (1) or right censoring event (0), size (num_subjects,). w (pd.Series): NOT USED (for compatibility only) optional subject weights. fit_kwargs (dict): Optional kwargs for fit call of survival model Returns: self """ a, t, y, _, X = canonize_dtypes_and_names(a=a, t=t, y=y, w=None, X=X) X_outcome, X_weight = self._prepare_data(X), a=a, y=y) iptw_weights = self.weight_model.compute_weights(X_weight, a) # Call fit from StandardizedSurvival, with added ipt weights super().fit(X=X_outcome, a=a, t=t, y=y, w=iptw_weights, fit_kwargs=fit_kwargs) return self
[docs] def estimate_individual_outcome( self, X: pd.DataFrame, a: pd.Series, t: pd.Series, y: Optional[Any] = None, timeline_start: Optional[int] = None, timeline_end: Optional[int] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: X_outcome, _ = self._prepare_data(X) potential_outcomes = super().estimate_individual_outcome( X_outcome, a, t, y, timeline_start=timeline_start, timeline_end=timeline_end, ) return potential_outcomes